Showing 4 Result(s)

House project ”Quarter’

A very cozy home away from the hustle and bustle of the city. For all its compactness, it looks spacious inside thanks to the second light in the living room. A real fireplace creates a special atmosphere. A lot of sunlight enters through the large windows. About the house: Area – 101.5 sq.m. In the …

House project”Golden ratio”

This project is unique. It uses the concept of the golden ratio.For those who are familiar with these proportions understand what they give for the future of the house and its owners. About the project This country house has 2 floors. With a total area of 236 sq.m. 3 bedrooms, an office, a recreation room, …

House project”Momentum”

Momentum This Russian house takes a somewhat unusual approach to a modern look. Absolutely white walls with traditional Russian bricks and reddish-brown metal stripes on the back facade. The color combinations in this dwelling are a little odd, with clashing hues here and there, but they allow the prevailing architectural details to remain strong. Neither …

House project”Wooden”

  Wooden The trend of traditional architecture that has developed in Russia, which has stable and pronounced structural, technical, architectural and artistic features that are determined by wood as the main material.